Commencement 2017

Congratulations 2017 Graduates!

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It’s a wonderful day full of pride and joy, smiles and tears, and even the weather cooperated.

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School of Business and Management Faculty (from left to right) Professors Goodsen, Martin, Campodonico, Holtzman, and Verma getting ready for an exciting day.

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With a packed house, we saw over 500 graduates commence their new lives beyond NDNU.  I’m so very proud of my students. They work really hard and deserve to celebrate their accomplishment.


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I got lucky and found a spot at the end of the stage when the School of Business and Management when through so I could congratulate my students as they walked across the stage and received their diploma. Lots of hugs to go around – The best part!

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The picture here is really bad, but the moment was really great. This is JP showing his excitement that there’s no more spreadsheet homework from me!

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Here’s my teaching assistant, Eric Lee, enjoying the moment.

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