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Commencement 2017

Congratulations 2017 Graduates!

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It’s a wonderful day full of pride and joy, smiles and tears, and even the weather cooperated.

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School of Business and Management Faculty (from left to right) Professors Goodsen, Martin, Campodonico, Holtzman, and Verma getting ready for an exciting day.

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With a packed house, we saw over 500 graduates commence their new lives beyond NDNU.  I’m so very proud of my students. They work really hard and deserve to celebrate their accomplishment.


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I got lucky and found a spot at the end of the stage when the School of Business and Management when through so I could congratulate my students as they walked across the stage and received their diploma. Lots of hugs to go around – The best part!

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The picture here is really bad, but the moment was really great. This is JP showing his excitement that there’s no more spreadsheet homework from me!

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Here’s my teaching assistant, Eric Lee, enjoying the moment.

Markets and China

Markets were down a couple points last year and started this year looking worse. As my students and followers know, this was expected. I have been worried about the Fed rate hike and a China collapse for some time.

Today on This Week with George Stephanopoulos Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman finally started to agree with me. Unfortunately, he still is a step behind.

Here’s what he said, followed by my take. Continue reading Markets and China

Is it a Business or a Hobby?

The article, Get rich or die vlogging: The sad economics of internet fame, provides a good example of how easily people can become about business.

The author, Gaby Dunn, tells us about how hard it is for even the most popular youtube video stars to make a living. It’s a solid piece of work save one thing. It never addresses the most fundamental issue.

Is it a hobby or is it a business? Continue reading Is it a Business or a Hobby?